Member of the Week for August 7th 2023 Tara A. Clancy, MA

About Tara A. Clancy, MA NSA-North Texas Member of the Week for August 7th, 2023
Tara A. Clancy, MA, is a leadership and workforce performance expert. She is spearheading the evolution in how we solve organizational performance problems with her Performance Power Cycle™!
Tara brings deep expertise in performance innovations, human psychology, and metrics, so the ROI is real and quantifiable!
An award-winning speaker, Tara has energized audiences internationally. She is the host of The Counterfeit Sleep® Podcast and the author of the forthcoming book UP YOURZzz: Level Up Performance and Profits with the Revolutionary Performance Power Cycle™.
When she’s not inspiring audiences with innovative solutions for today’s biggest leadership challenges, you’ll find Tara kayaking, enjoying live comedy, and climbing vertical rock.
What audiences you speak for?
Tara A. Clancy, M.A., speaks to executive leaders who want innovative solutions that amplify performance, positive culture and profits and provide sustained competitive advantage.
What led you to this career?
It’s the ‘I got sick and tired of being sick and tired’ story…with a twist. I got a show-stopping insight in 2015, and my 30+ years as a diagnostician and Ivy League drive took over from there. I literally transformed my life, and I am on a mission to help others make the same transformation!
And with the stress and strain of living today, we need it more than ever!
What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?
Letting my funny side show up consistently in my speaking. Speaking about Powering-Up MalFunctions is a serious topic, and I need a reminder not to stay serious. So I call them PUMFs, which just sounds funny and invites my funny side to join in.
What’s your go-to productivity trick?
It took decades, but now that I know how to spot hidden PUMFs, my greatest productivity trick is making sure I avoid PUMFs—that’s how I get fully powered to perform!
Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?
Just how long can this answer be??
I have had the incredible fortune of receiving one-on-one advice and support from NSA stand outs like Brian Walter, Patricia Fripp, Ron Karr, and Sylvie DiGiusto and the influence of countless other NSA pros.
What’s a mistake you made early on in your career, and what did you learn from it?
Because my IP focuses on a problem people don’t know they have (PUMFs), there’s a lot of education involved before “conversion.” What I realized was that I was spending far too much time on the education piece rather than developing the solution. So I had my on-on-one coaching program from the start, but it was only last year that I turned that into an on-demand course. I should have done that sooner!
What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
I’m really proud of the IP I have developed around this epidemic-level problem that is hidden from most of the people who are affected (1 in 2 men and 1 in 4 women!). Back in 2019, I came up with the name Counterfeit Sleep®, and it draws people in like magic.
What being a member of NSA-NT means to you (testimonial)
I always say NSA-NT is the embodiment of the Spirit of Cavett
Something personal you want us to know- can be about family, a vacation, a favorite food- anything you care to share.
My favorite day of the year is St. Patrick’s Day! The music, the merriment, even the corned beef! And with two parents of Irish descent, you can bet I can round out the day with a really good brogue!
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