Member of the Week for July 24th 2023 Tristan J Helm

About Tristan J Helm NSA-North Texas Member of the Week for July 24, 2023
Tristan Helm was born in Colorado and raised in Oklahoma. His techniques and experience has been developed through overcoming the personal effects of drugs, alcohol, domestic violence and the battle of personal addictions and low self esteem.
While earning a degree in criminal justice he developed a passion for psychology and deeply studied PTSD, anxiety, depression, and the way brain reacts to certain stimuli and using that base knowledge to overcome most mental barriers and developing coping skills. He is a national best-selling author with writings such as "Surviving Death-why sadness is ok", “After Midnight - finding your inner beauty”, and co-writing with his wife in the volume series “Cracking the Rich Code” with Jim Britt and Kevin Harrington endorsed by Tony Robbins. He has been training under the guiding eye of some of the most prominent entrepreneurial leaders in the world, such as Les Brown, Dame Didi Wong, and Manny Lopez. He is an award-winning international speaker that has an episode and is now a producer on Amazon Prime show: SpeakUp, has appeared on The Patti Grover show, The BestYou Expo, Dela’s Voice, featuring on NBC, ABC, Fox, and CBS.
Tristan spends most of his time with his family and serving in ministry when not coaching others to shift perspective to acheive powerful transformations.
What audiences you speak for?
Business owners, victims of domestic violence, people seeking to make more with their life
What led you to this career?
I got into Network Marketing and really enjoyed the idea of expanding peoples mind, and fell in love with Pscyhology while going to school. I felt for a long time a call to be a preacher and this kind of just came with it.
What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?
Becoming better at marketing and selling from stage
What’s your go-to productivity trick?
Creating a list and getting to work on it
Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?
Many of my mentors, like minded individual and fellow preachers as well as Tony Robbins and Les Brown
What’s a mistake you made early on in your career, and what did you learn from it?
Not understanding the importance of treating it like a business and knowing the value I bring to the table
What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
Being featured on Amazon Prime and accommodating other speakers to become better
What being a member of NSA-NT means to you (testimonial)
It means becoming a part of something much bigger than myself and learning from others while possibly networking and helping other people get more involved
Something personal you want us to know- can be about family, a vacation, a favorite food- anything you care to share.
All I have ever dreamed of in life was creating a life of balance and stability for myself and future family, and now that I am doing that and working towards it everyday, I just want to help people find their own dreams and sustainability. Loyalty and Value are everything to me, My new dream is to spread that joy to others
Contact info and Social Media info (full URLs please):
Tristan Helm
CEO of HelmMastery
Author/Speaker/ Perspective Coach
Sometimes people just need a small adjustment in their life to go an entirely different direction - Tristan Helm
Best selling Author and award-winning international speaker
Personal Trainer
Motivational Development
* Featured Speaker at the Best You Expo in August 2020 and on Amazon Prime Video Series, SpeakUP Season 3
LinkedIn :
Youtube channel:
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