Member of the Week for April 10th, 2023 Mark Hunter, CSP

About Mark Hunter, CSP NSA-North Texas Member of the Week for April 10, 2023
Mark Hunter, CSP is recognized as one of the top 50 most influential sales and marketing leaders in the world. He is author of three books, “High-Profit Prospecting” and “High-Profit Selling” and “A Mind for Sales.” Mark can also be heard on two podcasts, The Sales Hunter Podcast and Sales Logic Podcast.
His integrity centered sales strategies are used daily by companies such as American Express, Chubb Insurance, Lenovo and hundreds more. These same strategies are found in The Sales Hunter University on-line program which has been ranked as one of the top 10 sales learning programs.
Mark has spoken in more than 30 countries on 5 continents helping salespeople find and retain better clients. He’s shared the stage with people including Simon Sinek, Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Magic Johnson and many more. He doesn’t view what he does as a job, he views it as a lifestyle focused on influencing and impacting others.
What audiences you speak for?
Sales, sales, and sales. Yes, I’m pretty focused and the sweet spot is sales teams that are in the B2B space selling a complex item.
What led you to this career?
I was Director of Sales for a Fortune 100 company and found myself at odds with the CEO and President and needless to say I knew how that was going to end. (Spoiler alert: Not pretty for me.) Faced with a choice of either moving to take another corporate role or starting my own business I opted for the later and that was nearly 25 years ago. Clearly it was the right choice, I’ve never looked back and have enjoyed the ride.
What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?
Improving my strategic thinking. A few months back I hired a business/personal coach and he has helped me immensely change my thinking and allow me to become much more focused in building a business vs a speaker career.
What’s your go-to productivity trick?
The best productivity I trick I have is delegating to my team and if they can’t do it giving them complete control to outsource. I can fall victim far to easily thinking I’m the only one that can do something and that’s a disease I’m trying to cure myself of.
Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?
The mastermind group I’m part of has had a huge influence on me. There’s not a major move I make that doesn’t get run past this group first. I owe a lot to the three of them, Meridith Elliott Powell, Mary Kelly, and Sam Richter. Rarely a day goes by where we are not texting each other, asking questions, sharing ideas and most of all supporting one another.
What’s a mistake you made early on in your career, and what did you learn from it?
Trying to be a “jack of all trades.” Huge mistake, success is about being focused and knowing what lane you play in. After about 5 years after starting my own business a fellow NSA member, Bill Marvin helped me come up with my name; “The Sales Hunter.” This new name sure beat my original company name; MJH and Associates, which was doing nothing for my business. Coming up with the new name gave me a huge amount of clarity and helped get me on a much more focused path.
What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
The two podcasts I’m fortunate to do. My only regret is not starting both of these 10 years earlier. Frist one is Sales Logic Podcast and working with my co-host Meridith Elliott Powell. The only reason this works is we do the show live every Saturday morning at 7 AM CT regardless of where we are in the US or the world. Second one is, The Sales Hunter Podcast where I get to interview amazing people each week. Both podcasts are a testing ground for many new sales ideas and the knowledge I learn is reason enough to do the podcasts.
What being a member of NSA-NT means to you (testimonial)
Five years ago, I was asked to speak at an NSA-NT meeting. The event blew me away with how big the chapter was and the level of talent. Living at the time in Omaha, I could only dream of being part of a chapter like NSA-NT. At that time moving to Dallas was not in the cards but as time went on it made sense (grandkids can do this to you) for my wife and I to move to Dallas. Settling into the DFW area I knew would be a lot easier thanks to the incredible people who make up the NSA-NT family. I can’t say “thank you” enough to everyone for accepting me so warmly just over a year ago.
Something personal you want us to know- can be about family, a vacation, a favorite food- anything you care to share.
Truth be known I’m a pretty boring person. Other than working, which I admit I’m obsessed with, it would be spending time with my family. I pinch myself being married to someone I love more now than ever, our two kids, their spouses and five really fun grandkids. Being able to play with the grandkids and then giving them back to their parents is what life is all about.
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