Member of the Week for February 27, 2023 Gary Rifkin, CSP

About Gary Rifkin NSA-North Texas Member of the Week for February 27, 2023
Gary helps brilliant people shine. He is the Chief Learning Officer at CoreClarity® where his focus is on helping individuals and teams understand how they are brilliant. CoreClarity brings color and clarity to Gallup’s CliftonStrengths® (formerly StrengthsFinder®) making the results more memorable, understandable, applicable, and actionable. Gary delivers hundreds of CoreClarity presentations and teaches their train-the-trainer program (Facilitator Qualification Intensive), while also assisting the CoreClarity Founder, Candace Fitzpatrick, in constantly developing new IP.
His work as Chief Energizer at Gary Rifkin Presents helps individuals shine in front of any audience. As a highly motivating speech coach, Gary has prepared hundreds of clients to deliver content-rich presentations that both hit the mark and inspire listeners to action. He has spoken at numerous NSA chapters, at the NSA annual conferences and at a variety of ATD (Association of Training Development) national events. Some of his favorite clients includes the American Institute of Architects, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), MD Anderson, Coca-Cola Bottling Company, and AT&T.
Gary is a Past-President of the North Texas Chapter and has served as the Chair of NSA’s Academy for Professional Speaking. In July of 2015, he received the highest honor in the National Speakers Association – the Cavett Award. It is presented annually to the member whose accomplishments over the years have reflected outstanding credit, respect, honor and admiration in the Association and the speaking profession, and whose actions (in terms of sharing, guiding and inspiring other members) most closely parallel the illustrious career of Founder Cavett Robert.
What audiences you speak for?
Our CoreClarity programs are primarily designed for intact work teams. Any organization that is leverage their talents and turn them into strengths will find value in what we do! I also love coaching executives to prepare for important speeches.
What led you to this career?
I worked in higher education after earning my advanced degree in College Student Development. I discovered that the part of my job I loved the most was delivering student leadership programs and delivering workshops. That led me to move into the training (and ultimately) speaking world.
What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?
I am forever working on follow-through. I am excellent at getting things started but I tend to lose energy at some point in the middle of a project. I’m learning to break projects into small chunks that can have many ‘beginnings’ so that I can keep motivated!
What’s your go-to productivity trick?
I’ve been using the Todoist app for years now and truly can’t live without it! It keeps me focused and prevents me from forgetting things I’ve promised myself I’ll get done (see a theme here?!).
Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?
I have dozens of answers to this question but I’ll focus on just three… Chris Clarke-Epstein taught me to take risks and create impact. Randy Pennington taught me to always treat this business as a business. And Candace Fitzpatrick continues to teach me to be my absolute best self - by always being my authentic self!
What’s a mistake you made early on in your career, and what did you learn from it?
I took business that was outside my wheelhouse and sometimes was too trusting when I needed to be much more discerning. I’ve learned to stick to those areas that consistently bring me energy, and to do my best to see potential issues before letting my Positivity and Activator talents drive me forward.
What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
I have now certified close to 200 CoreClarity facilitators who are sharing the brilliance of Candace’s framework with their clients. And every time I teach a class, I fall in love with this profession even more!
What being a member of NSA-NT means to you (testimonial)
From the moment that Susan Gatton invited me to a chapter meeting, I felt as if I’d found my home. Some of my closest and most valued friends have come from NSA-NT. We’ve celebrated together, consoled each other, and most importantly grown as individuals and as a chapter. As much as I’m loving my new home in Florida, the thing I miss the most is my NSA-NT family. I’m so grateful that I get to stay connected virtually. My life could never have been as full, nor my professional growth as complete, without NSA North Texas!
Something personal you want us to know- can be about family, a vacation, a favorite food- anything you care to share.
I will sing any chance I’m given! And my hidden (well not anymore) talent is to change the words to a familiar song and make the music relevant to a different experience. I sure did love getting to perform my original “Starfish the Musical” at an NSA Influence Foundation event!
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