Member of the Week for February 13, 2023 Susan Gatton

About Susan Gatton NSA-North Texas Member of the Week for February 13, 2023
Susan helps effective leaders become exceptional ones. She is a speaker and consultant who has worked professionals with Fortune 500 companies become the leader behind their title.
Her own career was the catalyst for her passion for executive development. She was an area manager for the Forum Corporation, a $30 million global leader in management as well as sales training and consulting. Forum’s connection to Harvard provided Susan with the latest leadership and sales development research. She realized there was no manual for becoming an executive and that no one reaches this level with the whole package. The key was finding a way to help executives fill in the missing pieces.
Susan has served on the advisory board of the Charles Tandy American Enterprise Center, a part of the Neely Business School for Texas Christian University.
She has served two terms as President of NSA-NT chapter and has held various board positions throughout the years.
Susan has a Bachelor Of Arts Degree from the University of Illinois and a Master Of Arts Degree (fellowship recipient) from Texas Christian University.
What audiences you speak for?
Leaders in Fortune 500 companies.
What led you to this career?
After starting my own business, I was looking for different avenue streams. I attended a NSA conference in Nashville and the rest is history.
What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?
I continuously work on expanding my understanding of the business issues that my clients are facing like sustainability as well as enhancing my online presence.
What’s your go-to productivity trick?
I delegate. I stay focused on what I do best and delegate the rest.
Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?
Alan Weiss. We came from similar professional backgrounds. I could relate to his business model. He worked with senior executives in Fortune 500 companies and that was my target.
What’s a mistake you made early on in your career, and what did you learn from it?
Taking time to decide early on if you are building a company you want to sell or are you building a practice. This significantly impacts your branding. I started building a practice when years later I realized I wanted to build a company.
What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
Having clients that have worked with me for 10 plus years.
What being a member of NSA-NT means to you (testimonial)
NSA-NT is the richest most valuable resource a speaker could find. It doesn’t stop there. It’s the members. They are a group of wildly talented and diversified individuals who are determined to help you succeed and have your back when you’ve had a set back. It’s been the most rewarding, professionally and personally, alliance I’ve had throughout my career.
Something personal you want us to know- can be about family, a vacation, a favorite food- anything you care to share.
I love to dance even though I can’t keep a beat.
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