CPAE Spotlight Interview Series

May 16, 2023

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

All CPAE Spotlight Interviews are held VIRTUALLY on ZOOM. 


About Charlie Plumb, CSP, CPAE

Captain J. Charlie Plumb, CPAE, ’s presentations are as he is: sincere, straightforward, humorous, and tailored to motivate each specific audience he encounters.

Captain Charlie Plumb graduated from the Naval Academy at Annapolis and went on to be a fighter pilot flying the F-4 Phantom jet on 74 successful combat missions over Vietnam. On his 75th mission, with only five days before he was to return home, Plumb was shot down, captured, tortured, and imprisoned in an 8-by-8 foot cell. He spent the next 2,103 days as a Prisoner Of War in communist war prisons.

During his nearly six years of captivity, Captain Plumb distinguished himself among his fellow prisoners as a professional in underground communications, and served for two of those years as the chaplain in his camp. Since his return home, more than 5,000 audiences in nearly every industry have been spellbound as fighter pilot keynote speaker Captain Charlie Plumb shares his story and the lessons he learned from it.

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Note: Registration includes access to the streamed recording for 7 days after the event.  All-Access Pass holders receive recording access until August 2023. 

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and a reminder email with the zoom links @1 hour before the event.  

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About Your Host, Niki McCuistion, CSP


As a speaker Niki focuses on leadership and strategy. She has spoken on almost every continent. Niki is a past president of NSA-NT, the 1st Charbonneau Award recipient and the 1st woman to chair NSA National's Voices of Experience interview series. 

As the producer/ executive producer of the PBS tv program on KERA PBS, now on the air for 32 years, she has chosen guests for the program and has coached 100’s of heads of states, celebrities and just  plain every day folks on how to  wow audiences.

Niki MCuistion CSP host of the interview series